backward looking

美 [ˈbækwərd lʊkɪŋ]英 [ˈbækwəd lʊkɪŋ]
  • adj.保守的;守旧的;过时的
backward lookingbackward looking
  1. It was backward looking when we need to be forward looking .


  2. At least by that measure , even though it is backward looking , Brazil is in the lead .


  3. While the US default rate remains low , such a measure is backward looking and was also moribund in 2007 ahead of the financial crisis .


  4. Since the technique takes as its starting point the as-built programme , it is entirely backward looking and is therefore fully retrospective with the objective of modelling what actually happened .


  5. But this is backward looking ; investors are justifiably sceptical on how far it can run once inventories are restocked and emerging market government cheques exhausted .
